Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter Book 7 Mania!

Harry Potter Book 7, Harry and The Deathly Hallows came out this morning at 12:01am! If my post could have a subtitle, it would be: "Why I chose to buy my copy from Amazon Bookstore on Chicago Avenue in Mpls and I think YOU should too! " (not, but Amazon Bookstore Co-op dot com )
I took my two oldest children to the Harry Potter 7 Release party at Amazon last night. It was the most fun I think we could have had around this event. We had Butter Beer and Pumpkin Juice, donated by Adrians Tavern. Wizard Cookies donated from Turtle Bread. Snape's Evil Chocolate Ice Cream Cones from the Pumphouse Creamery, and more I'm sure I am forgetting. The staff at Amazon went way way out of their way to make it fabulously fun and exciting. They were all in costume, complete with a portrait who wouldn't allow passage without the proper password. There was potions class down in the basement, with Professor Anne T. Dote. Herbology class we had to miss for a breath of fresh air, but I'm sure it too was fantastic. Wizard Trivia was done Jeopardy Style, two games worth, and yes, I was amazed at the minutiae that the young readers of these books have absorbed and remembered. Of course Professor Trelawney was there, reading palms and offering predictions. We made wands, were sorted by The Sorting Hat, and wrapped it all up just before midnight with a costume contest, with prizes for various categories getting great Harry Potter related books from Amazon. So, before I move on to a few photos I took of the event (you must see them, the costumes were so clever and brilliant!) I just have to hop up on my soapbox and ask, for those about to rush out to Walmart or B&N or wherever to get their book at the "cheapest" place, is it really so important that you save $5 on this, the last of the Harry Potter books? I've been buying books from Amazon Co-op for a few years now, and am amazed and thrilled that they continue to stay afloat in the corporate monoculture that drives so many small businesses to shutter their doors. All of the small businesses involved in last nights wonderful event deserve a round of applause (and your patronage!) And the book, I'm off to read it, as soon as I can wrestle it away from my 9 year old... maybe I'll have to run to Amazon and get a second copy.
Thanks for reading

Potions Class

Winner of Best Harry Potter Look-Alike (of course I'm biased, but isn't he adorable!!)

Professor Umbridge!

The crowd at Amazon waiting for 12:01 am!

Hagrid, complete with pink umbrella no less!

And one of my favorites (and also a winner!) Dobby the House Elf, here
being held by Bellatrix Lestrange, complete with the death eater mark on her inner arm!

And again, my bias is showing, but this
very scary soul sucking 7 year old Dementor (with her blond curls hidden away) should have won something too! ;)


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