Saturday, December 09, 2006

My new muse

Since my three children go through various stages of contempt towards being my photographic models, I'm quite happy to have a new muse to photograph. Yes, we have had our new kitty for a week now and she is quite the willing subject. :)
She now has an official name, Bumble Kitty, after The Bumble (the white fuzzy snow monster from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.) We also discovered soon after getting her that she is deaf. Apparently its very common for white blue eyed cats, and she has no idea what she is missing, but its odd to see a cat who not only is not afraid of the vacuum cleaner, but actually loves it and thinks chasing it and the cord is great fun. She sleeps more soundly than any cat in a house with three kids has the right too, and she is never startled by loud noises. So far, having a deaf kitty seems to have only pluses. ;)
Here are a few shots of her from today:

Sleeping Bumble Kitty

Awake Bumble Kitty
(remember, you can click to view images larger)

And finally, Laughing Bumble Kitty
(after my great joke about the dog who was as smart as a cat...)

Hope you are all enjoying the beautiful un-seasonably warm day we are having today.


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